We have a well –structured pastoral programme that is responsible for the spiritual well-being of learners, staff and other stakeholders. The pastoral office oversees spiritual programs of the learners and staff. It is the program (department) that holds together the fabric that unites and ties SPA fraternity. It oversees guidance and counseling programs, nurtures talents, develops leadership potential in pupils and admonishes undesirable character.

As a Christian institution, our core mandate is to guide and develop people who would portray and exude values, virtues and attributes that are consistent with the faith that we profess.

Our Team

Rev. Dr. John Calvin Kamau

P.C.E.A. Sukari Parish Minister

Rev. Marion Strain

Former Alliance Girls Chaplain

Ev. Harrison Mahinda

P.C.E.A.  Sukari Parish Evangelist

Eric Ochieng

P.C.E.A Sukari Parish Children Ministry Coordinator

Amos Mugambi

SPA Head of PPI Department

Our Pastoral Program