We as Sukari Presbyterian Academy pride ourselves in our excellence in academic performance. We have over the years continued to improve our performance and maintain our top position in the county as well as the country. For this we are first grateful to God for our achievements, without Whom we would not have achieved all that. Our teachers have been the backbone of our performance with their outstanding personality and exemplary ability to walk with our students in their academic journey. The P.C.E.A Kahawa Sukari Church Leadership as well as the School Committee have offered strong leadership that has always been our drive to move forward.


During the 2023 KCPE national examination, our candidates remarkably achieved a mean score of 377.65 marks, with 25 pupils having scored 400 marks and above. 99 pupils had more than 350 marks. Below is a detailed report of the 2023 candidates performance.

1 89 88 90 73 83 423
2 90 83 90 75 81 419
2 86 85 90 76 82 419
4 90 85 90 75 77 417
5 84 81 90 76 85 416
6 85 81 90 76 83 415
7 82 87 88 73 83 413
8 88 83 87 73 80 411
8 87 81 90 73 80 411
10 88 83 87 75 77 410
10 90 78 90 72 80 410
12 86 76 90 76 78 406
12 82 81 88 72 83 406
12 87 81 88 72 78 406
12 81 81 90 76 78 406
16 80 82 87 75 80 404
16 84 80 90 72 78 404
18 87 75 90 76 75 403
18 88 78 88 73 76 403
20 85 78 88 70 81 402
21 88 77 84 72 80 401
21 87 73 84 75 82 401
23 82 75 88 73 82 400