Protecting our pupils is one of our top priorities. Since the government introduced the covid-19 rules and regulations, our school ensured that the necessary equipment needed were immediately purchased. SPA has ensured that even with the rising number of pupils, they are well accommodated to guarantee their well-being. This has been done by increasing the learning areas. Among the items bought were two new buses. This has helped to prevent any congestion while transporting the children to and from school. We aspire to achieve a good and safe environment for our pupils. In relation to this, we have ensured strict adherence to the Covid-19 rules and regulations. This has been done in several ways:


  • The school has hand washing points on every strategic place in the school compound. Extra taps were built to this effect.

  • We have signages for keeping safe distance and wearing masks that have been erected to direct pupils.

  • The pupils’ body temperatures are recorded on arrival at the school gate. The data recorded is well preserved by the assigned teacher.

  • We have also ensured fumigation of the classrooms and dining hall when the pupils leave for home.

  • Overcrowding is highly discouraged. During lunch breaks, the teacher on duty walks around the pupils’ dining area to ensure that social distancing is maintained. When the pupils are going home from school, the bus attendants ensure that the pupils are well spaced in the buses.

  • In line with the Covid-19 rules and regulations set, automatic sanitizing points have been installed. Pupils sanitize at various sections of the school to promote the hygienic standards.

The following regulations have been very effective. They have worked in preventing any risks that may arise especially during the weekends when pupils are away from school. Teachers monitor the pre-primary pupils during their interactions and play times to observe that they wash their hands regularly.